Egypt's Min of Culture signs a cooperation agreement with the Coordination of Party Youth

egypt Tue, Mar. 7, 2023
Dr. Nevin Al-Kilani, Minister of Culture, signed a cooperation agreement with the delegation of the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians, to support joint cooperation in the fields of training cultural cadres, supporting and discovering talented people, working to spread mobile theater shows in different governorates, participating in awareness campaigns carried out by the ministry, and working To expand its influence and effectiveness, encourage youth to engage in various fields of culture and arts, and cooperate in the legislative field to spread culture and arts.

For her part, Dr. Nevin Al-Kilani welcomed the cooperation with the "Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians" to support the Ministry's efforts to achieve cultural justice, and to reach the cultural and creative product for all segments of the Egyptian people, which will be achieved within the framework of the Ministry's partnerships with the various Egyptian ministries, agencies and entities. The most recent of which was the cooperation agreement with the coordination.

She emphasized that the ministry puts achieving cultural justice at the top of its priorities, within the framework of Egypt's 2030 strategy, noting that the ministry has adopted a new approach to reach the regions, through cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, where activities are held in schools in the presence and supervision of workers in the cultural palaces.

She referred to the role of the cultural palaces in the “Good Life” initiative to discover talents in the initiative’s villages, to be the nucleus for artistic and theatrical groups, as well as to provide various artistic, cultural and knowledge activities aimed at strengthening the Egyptian identity and supporting the cultural role in the governorates.

While Representative Suha Saeed, a member of the Senate and Secretary of the "Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians", began her speech by stressing that the signing of this protocol confirms the belief of the "Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians" in the importance of the role played by the Ministry of Culture, especially the cultural palaces in the governorates. In spreading awareness, raising the cultural level, and directing the national awareness of the masses.

She added that the "Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians" is keen to promote culture and work to meet the challenges it is exposed to, through the Parliamentary Coordination Committee, due to the special importance of this file in the pioneering role of the Egyptian state, stressing the need for a cultural platform in every village.

The Secretary of the Coordination Committee referred to the "Cultural Justice" initiative, which was launched by the "Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians", with the aim of developing cultural palaces, to restore their role in attracting citizens, especially children and youth, in a way that contributes to building the Egyptian mind, as well as the possibility of providing distinguished cultural services free of charge for people with limited income. Like those who are capable.