Plan for Economic Sessions Discussed by Egypt’s National Dialogue Board of Trustees

egypt Sun, Feb. 11, 2024
The Board of Trustees of the Egyptian National Dialogue held a meeting on Saturday, to discuss the plan for sessions of economic axis due to convene in the coming period.

The meeting was participated by the General Rapporteur and the Assistant General Rapporteur for the Economic Axis Committee.

The economic sessions will focus deeply and comprehensively on the current economic challenges that Egypt is going through, to reach specific recommendations to deal with them, and then to be submitted urgently to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

The Egyptian National Dialogue will resume its activities of the second phase by discussing the economic situation, Diaa Rashwan, the general coordinator of the National Dialogue, said on January 28.

He said that the dialogue will begin immediately by responding to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s recent call to focus on the economic situation during the second phase of the national dialogue meetings. The National Dialogue is a platform aiming to bridge the gap between the government and the citizens, ensuring that voices from all segments of society, especially the youth, are heard and addressed.

President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi had announced launching a national dialogue on the country’s economic status saying that there was a need for a “thorough national dialogue” on the Egyptian economy.

Egypt is facing harsh conditions on its Western, Eastern, and Southern borders, President Sisi affirmed saying, “I understand the amount of economic pressure on Egyptians, the tough circumstances, and price hikes. Yet, I trust the resilience of the Egyptian people in the face of crises that impact our lives and economy.”