The ancient Egyptians preceded the world in making clothes.. Learn about the oldest shirt and dress

egypt Thu, Dec. 23, 2021
British archaeologist Flinders Petrie discovered the oldest shirt in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century in the tombs of the First Dynasty that ruled Egypt 3,000 years ago. With an opening in the side, according to Elizabeth Wayland's 1994 book "Women's Business...The First Twenty Thousand Years."

Flinders Petrie was an English Egyptologist and pioneer of an organized curriculum in archaeology. He excavated antiquities in many of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt, such as Abydos and Amarna, and some consider his most important discoveries to be the Merneptah Stela.

The word shirt appeared in the sixteenth century AD. In 1563, the English Earl of Wiltshire John Maywood wrote that he preferred the Middle Eastern word shirt to the old English word “skirt.” His use of the word shirt spread quickly in all circles of English society and became the vernacular word.

The shirt was for men only until the twentieth century, then it became a global fashion for clothing. In the Middle Ages, shirts were worn undyed and under formal clothes, and in the eighteenth century shirts had a long tail, especially for those who worked in office work.

As for the oldest dress in the world, it is a linen dress over 5,000 years old, which has been confirmed as the oldest piece of woven clothing in the world, according to archaeology magazine.

It was named the Tarkhan dress after the Tarkhan cemetery south of Cairo in Egypt, where it was found in 1913. A carbon-ray test conducted by Oxford University in 2015, with an accuracy of 95%, confirmed that the dress dates back to the period between 3482 and 3102 BC. It is in the collection of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Antiquities at University College.