Ptolemy XV, the last king of the Ptolemaic pharaohs.. his life in 13 points

egypt Thu, Jun. 24, 2021
Today passes the birthday of Ptolemy the fifteenth or Caesarion, son of the famous Queen Cleopatra VII, from the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, as he was born known as Caesarion (Little Caesar) on June 23, 47 BC.

Ptolemy XV is considered the last descendant of the Ptolemaic pharaohs.

His great-grandfather Ptolemy I, one of the leaders of Alexander the Great, his mother is Cleopatra, the famous Queen of Egypt, and his father Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, and one of the greatest military leaders and rulers in history.

The Ptolemy family took over the rule of Egypt until the Romans entered it in 30 BC, which lasted about three whole centuries.

The rule of the Ptolemies on the principle that Egypt is their homeland and their country, and there is no country or homeland for them except Egypt.

The Ptolemies called themselves the caliphs of the pharaohs, in order to obtain recognition from the Egyptians that they were their rulers.

With the passage of time, the Ptolemies of Greek origins were mixed with Egyptian traditions and customs.

The Ptolemies depicted themselves on public monuments in the ancient Egyptian style, wore Egyptian clothing, and also participated in Egyptian religious life.

The practice of Egyptian rituals helped them intermarry with the Egyptians, which is why the ancient Egyptians loved the Ptolemies, and considered their kings to be an extension of the great kings of the Pharaohs.

Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) ruled alongside his mother, Cleopatra VII.

After the naval battle of Actium and the suicide of his mother Cleopatra VII by poison, he was seventeen years old at the time.

He was able to escape with some of his companions to India, although Caesarion did not rule alone, but he remained the legitimate ruler of Egypt and one of the heirs of his father Julius Caesar.

Caesarion returned after a covenant established with his half-brother to his father Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome, but Augustus betrayed him and killed him on August 23, 30 BC, and thus ended the rule of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt.

There is a mystery about how Caesarion was killed by Augustus Caesar, but it is famous that he was strangled.