Professor of Archeology explains the methods of Pharaonic black and white magic

magic Sun, Apr. 5, 2020
Scientists deciphered an 1800-year-old Egyptian papyrus, describing it as an exciting talisman, which is now found at the University of Michigan, USA.

The papyrus revolves around a woman named "Tarumway" who wanted to attract a man named "Kefalas", and "the seventh day" had contacted Dr. Ahmed Badran, a professor of Egyptian antiquities at Cairo University, to find out more about the papyri that carry ancient talismans.

Ahmed Badran said, that magic existed in ancient Egyptian life, and the ancient Egyptians had gods specific to magic, so the goddess Isis was great magic and was called "the story of stories", and these gods indicate the status and importance of magic in the ancient Egyptians, in addition to making a number of Magic amulets, as well as a number of statues, including the statue of Dajd-Hur located in the Egyptian Museum.

Ahmed Badran explained that Egypt possesses about 25 papyrus written about magic, which was of two types, "white and black".

Ahmed Badran pointed out that white magic is beneficial and was used to treat diseases and exorcise evil spirits. As for black magic, it is used to harm and differentiate between a man and his wife.