Abdel Sanad Yamama, Presidential Candidate, Holds Conference in Port Said to Unveil Electoral Program

egypt Sun, Nov. 19, 2023
Presidential candidate Dr. Abdel-Sanad Yamama held his second electoral confrerence Saturday, where he said he wants to "send a number of messages to the Egyptian people from this conference."

Held in Port Said Governorate, Dr. Yamama said that his conference is titled "Jihad Day." The head of the delegation confirmed that the title of the election campaign is “Save Egypt,” because Egypt is in real need of saving.

The presidential candidate explained that his electoral program is based on four axes:
economic reform, legislative reform, educational reform, and preserving Egypt’s historical rights to the Nile River.

Dr. Yamama pointed out that Egypt has unfortunately fallen behind in the areas of health, economy, and education, adding "we must work with all determination to get out of these problems, because we are on the threshold of a dangerous situation and the country cannot tolerate more than that."

He further explained that the most important axes in the electoral program are reforming education, pointing out that there is no renaissance for any country without attention to education.

“We are at the bottom of the list of countries in education, and whoever wants to search, all of that is available on Google," he said, adding "but we can advance by taking inspiration from the American experience, when they appointed a specialized committee for 18 months of work.

He went on saying that a national educational authority must be established in a way that makes it independent in its decisions and not affected by the reshuffling of the minister.

He added that the second axis in the electoral program is the legislative reform, noting that the Egyptian Constitution is the father of all laws and must be referred to.

The head of the delegation added that legislative reform is through controlling the legal system, noting that there is an encroachment of the executive authority over the judicial authority, especially after the 2019 constitutional amendment, pointing out that the interference of the head of state in selecting and appointing judges to the supreme councils is not right and there must be independence. Perfect for the judiciary.

Dr. Yamama said that “There is a need to add new constitutional texts that grant the Senate more freedoms and powers in exercising its work."

Speaking about the third axis of his program; the economic axis, Dr. Yamama said that Egypt is suffering from an economic crisis, and there is a significant rise in the prices of all commodities, which is felt by everyone.

"The solution is to entrust the economic reform to a group specialized in finance and economics, because reforming the country is carried out by scholars and professors of economics, indicating that this reform is a national matter," he said.

He pointed out that the fourth axis is to preserve Egypt's historical share in the Nile River from the threat of the Ethiopian dam, pointing out that the Nile River is an international river and international law applies to it in distributing the percentage between the upstream country and the downstream countries.

At the end of his speech, Yamamah called on citizens to participate positively in the presidential elections, saying, “There must be real participation and any stability in light of the current economic crisis that everyone is suffering from, and there must be a change for the men and policies that continued for ten years without creating anything new."