The story of a king .. Ramses III, a hero who defeated the enemies of Egypt and documented his victories on the walls

egypt Tue, Mar. 16, 2021
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is preparing to transfer the mummies of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Civilization, and there are 22 royal mummies, and today we shed light on the famous Egyptian King Ramses III, who was the most famous king of the Twentieth Dynasty in the ancient Egyptian civilization.

The book "The Warrior Pharaohs ... Diplomats and Military" by Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir says that the first four years of Ramses III's reign were calm, and he began to consolidate his state and continued the policy of his father, King Seth Nakht, to bring stability to Egypt, and there were no problems mentioned in the country of Nubia. It was a colony subject to Egyptian rule, but the Libyans, along with two other disorganized and sedentary tribes, left the desert and tried to invade the fertile land in the western Egyptian delta, and the Egyptian army immediately suppressed them, and those who were not killed among them were captured, and since then, the neighboring countries have lived. Egypt has a lesson, and I know very well not to provoke the Pharaoh and not to provoke his anger, otherwise he will receive unfortunate consequences.

The book "The Warrior Pharaohs" explained that in the eighth year of the rule of Pharaoh Ramses III, large tribes came to Egypt on their way to stability, and had destroyed the Hittites before coming to Egypt, and these tribes or peoples had several names, except that the most famous name was It was called "the Sea Peoples", and King Ramses III recorded and photographed his wars and victories against the Sea Peoples on the walls of his great funerary temple in Habu, on the western mainland of Luxor.

The king also recorded the text of his wars against them on the outer wall of the second pylon from the northern side, and this text is the longest hieroglyphic text on the temples known to us until now, and the battle against them was depicted on the outer, north wall of the temple.

He continued, "the warrior pharaohs", and on the way of the Sea Peoples to Egypt, they stopped in Syria, and they advanced towards Egypt via land, and it was not an ordinary war in its traditional concept known to us, but rather a migration and mass exodus, and the aim was to settle and settle in Egypt, as they were peoples moving With all its members of women and children and all their family possessions carried on carts drawn by oxen to Egypt, and in the sea, the fleet of the Sea Peoples was a camp in the sea to go to occupy Egypt and settle there.

King Ramses III was certain of the speed of movement and an end to stop these enormous human waves, so military forces were sent at the eastern border points until the Egyptian army was fully brought, and the war took place on the borders, and the invaders were killed as the scenes of the battle on the Temple of Medinet Habu were depicted. Pharaoh Ramses III fought on his chariot everywhere in the battle, and he was photographed in a larger size than all the participants in the battle according to the rules of ancient Egyptian art.

The book "The Warrior Pharaohs" added that although the land campaign of the Sea Peoples was eliminated, there was still a threat coming from the sea this time, so the Sea Peoples fleet entered the eastern Egyptian delta through one of its branches, but the Egyptian fleet was And although the ancient Egyptians did not boast of being great sailors, they fought valiantly and envied them and practiced all martial arts that they knew on land in the face of their enemy in the water, and the ancient Egyptians burned the ships of their enemies under the supervision of the great Pharaoh Ramses III, and the Egyptians won The ancients had a great victory over these attacking peoples under the banner of the god Amun, the master of the gods of Egypt and the lord of Thebes, the shorter, the sacred, and all the spoils were sent to his temple.

Egypt lived quiet for three years, and then the unrest came this time from the western borders, from the Libyans again, who allied with the Mushush tribe and five other tribes, and infiltrated as immigrants in the western Egyptian delta for some years, but they were in the eleventh year of the reign of King Ramses III. The matter became like an invasion, so the king subdued them and killed about two thousand of them, and took their livestock and their possessions as spoils for the treasuries of the temple of the god Amun.

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir says, It is known that King Ramses III had a secondary wife named "T", and she plotted against the life of the pharaoh, and this was one of the few times that Pharaonic texts talked about something like this, and we know about the conspiracy from the trials that took place of the accused from the Turin Papyrus The conspiracy is known as the "harem conspiracy". A number of the royal palace's harem and some of the court's sheriffs, guards and servants participated in the conspiracy. The aim of these conspirators was not known. Perhaps the main reason for the conspiracy is that this Queen T, in cooperation with some palace women, planned to assassinate the king in order to lay down Her son, "Pentaort", is on the throne in place of the legal heir, King Ramses IV after that.

Ramses III was already assassinated, and the plot was revealed, and an investigation was investigated by order of the next Pharaoh King Ramses IV, and the court ruled on the accused with sentences ranging from execution, suicide, flogging, imprisonment, cutting the nose, earring and innocence, and the mummy of King Ramses III was discovered in 1886, his tomb (KV11) It is one of the largest cemeteries in the Valley of the Kings.