Egypt's Space Agency Announces Successful Launch of MisrSat-2 Satellite

Egypt Mon, Dec. 4, 2023
The Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA) announced Monday that the remote sensing MisrSat-2 satellite has been successfully launched from China.

The satellite, which was assembled and tested in Egypt, will monitor climate changes, desertification and land degradation.

A group of EgSA engineers and Chinese experts had contributed to the design and manufacture of the satellite, read a statement by the agency today.

The Egyptian team could fully implement one of the satellite’s components, EgSA said, noting that it is the first Egyptian product to be launched into space.

MisrSat-2 satellite will track changes in Egypt's vital water resources and enhance resource planning, land management, agricultural output and urban planning, thus supporting the Egyptian economy.

Here is all information you need to know about MisrSat-2 satellite:

- The MisrSat-2 satellite was launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center

- The launch came at 12:00 noon on December 4, 2023, China time, within the framework of the technical and economic cooperation agreement between Egypt and China.

- A team of engineers from the Egyptian Space Agency participated with a team of Chinese experts in all stages of designing and manufacturing the satellite

- Various models of the satellite were assembled, integrated and tested at the Assembly, Integration and Testing Center at the Egyptian Space Agency

- The MisrSat-2 satellite serves the sustainable development goals of the Egypt by using space technology to develop vital fields.