President Sisi Conducts Inspection of Roads and Arteries in Greater Cairo

egypt Sun, Nov. 19, 2023
November 2023: Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al Sisi made an inspection tour of a number of roads and axes in Greater Cairo, in the Nile Corniche area and Brigadier General Ibrahim El-Rifai Bridge.

Sisi was briefed on efforts underway to connect New Cairo with the area of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilizations and the Nile Corniche through several traffic axes, primarily connecting Field Marshal Tantawi (El-Moshir Tantawi) Axis, Omar Suleiman Axis and the Martyr Axis with Counselor Abdel Meguid Mahmoud Axis. The President was also updated on work underway in Brigadier General Ibrahim El-Rifai Bridge up to the Nile Corniche.

President Sisi was offered an overview on work progress in the upgrading of the pottery workshops as well as the plastic arts and distinguished handicrafts areas in Al Fustat.