Arab-Islamic Summit Demands End to Gaza Siege, Calls for International Investigation into Israeli Actions

egypt Mon, Nov. 13, 2023
The Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit has called for ending the Israeli siege on Gaza and urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians.

The summit’s final communique called on all countries to halt the export of weapons and ammunition to Israel in light of the war in Gaza.

The leaders condemned the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the brutal and inhuman war crimes and massacres committed by Israel.

The joint statement called for the United Nations Security Council to take a decisive and binding resolution that imposes a cessation of aggression and restrains the power of the colonial occupation authority that violates international law, international humanitarian law, and international legitimacy resolutions.

The statement rejected describing this retaliatory war as self-defense or justifying it under any pretext.

The leaders affirmed supporting all steps taken by Egypt to confront the repercussions of the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza and endorsing the Egyptian efforts to immediately and sustainably deliver aid to the region.

The leaders demanded the immediate entry of Arab, Islamic, and international humanitarian aid convoys, including food, medicine, and fuel, to Gaza.

The Arab and Muslim states called on the Security Council to swiftly condemn Israel's barbaric destruction of hospitals in Gaza and its prevention of the entry of medicine, food, and fuel.

Also, the states urged denouncing double standards in the application of international law and warning that such double standards seriously undermine the credibility of states that shield Israel from international law.

The leaders agreed on condemning the displacement of approximately 1.5 million Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip to the south, which constitutes a war crime.

They also strongly rejected any attempts of individual or collective forced transfer, eviction, or deportation of the Palestinian people, whether within the Gaza Strip or the West Bank or outside its territories to any other destination.

They affirmed condemnation of the killing and targeting of civilians.

They also highlighted the necessity of releasing all prisoners, detainees, and civilians, and condemning the heinous crimes committed by the colonial occupation authorities against thousands of Palestinian prisoners.