Culture Palaces participates in Wadi El Rayan film at Cinetown Awards in Australia

egypt Wed, Aug. 24, 2022
In the interest of the General Authority for Culture Palaces headed by director Hisham Atwa, through the Central Administration for Artistic Affairs headed by artist Ahmed El-Shafei, to participate in many international film festivals with a number of short documentaries and documentaries that it produces, the General Administration for Cinematic Culture, headed by artist Tamer Abdel Moneim, participates in a film "Wadi El Rayan" in the Cinetown Awards in Australia within the official competition.

The festival is one of the latest festivals interested in short cinema, whether documentary or short fiction, in its first year in Australia, and the results will be announced on August 27, and certificates of appreciation will be distributed to the winners.

“Wadi El Rayan” is a short documentary film produced by the film camp that was held from August 28 to 31, 2021 in Wadi El Rayan in Fayoum Governorate. With the students of the camp Bahaa El Din Mustafa, Ahmed Zein El Din, Michael Samir and Omar Abdel Aziz.

The film participated in the official competition of the Fourth Screen Film Festival in India, in the month of May, which is one of the festivals held online monthly, for an official competition to select the participating documentaries from all countries of the world, and also participated in the Lift off Filmmaker Sessions Festival in London, United Kingdom online in the stage The first, which was shown for two weeks, from 4 to 18 July, on the festival platform.