The Citadel Square, the most important square in historic Cairo, was rebuilt by Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun

egypt Thu, Apr. 7, 2022
The Citadel Square is one of the most important historical squares in Cairo. It was known by several names, including: “The Black Square (Qaramidan), the Rumaila Square, and the Horse Market Square.” It had the field station and the Mahmal stable, and it was originally from the remains of Ahmed Ibn Tulun Square and its location below the castle.

Its life was disrupted by many kings and sultans, while its brightest days were when Al-Nasir Muhammad bin Qalawun restored his building, where he used to play ball with his princes on Saturday and Tuesday of every week. .

It overlooks Bab Al-Azab from the east, Al-Rifai Mosque and Sultan Hassan School from the west, and Qanibay Al-Ramah School, Amir Akhor, according to what the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said.

And King Al-Nasir Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Qalawun, (born in Cairo in 684 AH / 1285 - died in Cairo in 741 AH / 1341), is the ninth sultans of the Mamluk Bahri state, nicknamed Abu al-Ma’ali and Abu al-Fath. He sat on the throne of the Sultanate three times, from 693 AH / From 1293 to 694 AH / 1294, and from 698 AH / 1299 to 708 AH / 1309 and from 709 AH / 1309 until his death in 741 AH / 1341, he was one of the most prominent sultans of the Qalawun dynasty and the Mamluk state.

Al-Nasir Muhammad also has a mosque in the Citadel Square, which is the mosque of Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad, which is located in the southern section of the Citadel of Salah al-Din. Which was interrupted three times, as he is considered one of the most ancient Mamluk sultans who built antiquities during his rule, then demolished and rebuilt it “735 AH / 1335 AD”.