Deciphering The Rosetta Stone.. A glimpse into Champollion's life on the 190th anniversary of his death

Egypt Sun, Mar. 6, 2022
Today, the anniversary of the departure of Champollion, who left our world on March 4, 1832, is the most famous person in the modern era whose name is associated with the ancient Egyptian civilization, after he managed on September 14, 1822 to decipher the mystery of the ancient Egyptian civilization by identifying its language, and for this we review a glimpse of his life.

He was born on December 23, 1790, in the French province of Vijac.

His father was a bookseller.

He was unable to enroll in formal education due to the turmoil of conditions in the aftermath of the French Revolution.

He received private lessons in Latin and Greek and then moved to Grenoble to enroll in a secondary school.

At the age of 13, Champollion began studying Arabic, Chaldean, Syriac and Hebrew languages.

He studied history at the encouragement of Joseph Fourier, who served as Secretary of the Scientific Expedition during Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in Egypt.

In 1822 AD, he was able to decipher the Rosetta Stone discovered by the French campaign in 1799 AD, and the stone was seized by British colonialism by illegal force and without right, and the stone was placed as a gift in the British Museum since the British forces defeated the French in Egypt in 1801, The original stone became the possession of the British after the surrender of the French campaign and was transferred to London. The stone has been publicly displayed in the British Museum almost continuously since 1802, and the stone has become the most visited monument in the British Museum.

Champollion passed away on March 4, 1932.