All you need to know about the Royal Mummies Hall after its opening on World Heritage Day

egypt Wed, Apr. 21, 2021
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization inaugurated the Royal Mummies Hall yesterday, which includes a large number of royal mummies, which were transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, to the place of their permanent display in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, in a majestic procession praised by the whole world, including 22 mummies of the kings of Egypt The ancients, in a way that emphasized the greatness and nobility of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and during the next report we review the most important information about the new hall in the museum, in the form of a question and answer.

Q / What are the opening times of the museum during the holy month of Ramadan?

A / The visit starts at nine o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Q / Will the museum be open for an evening period?
A / There is no evening period yet, but there is a proposal that will be discussed by the executive body of the museum to open it in the evening.

Q / Have all the 22 royal mummies that were transferred from the Egyptian Museum been displayed in Tahrir?
A / 20 of the 22 mummies of the kings and queens of Egypt will be displayed.

Q / What are the kings that have not been displayed in the museum display scenario of the Mummies Hall?
A / King Amenhotep III and Merit Amon were not displayed, but they were placed in a suitable environment to preserve them as if they were completely in the exhibition hall.

Q / What Kings were displayed inside the Royal Mummies Hall?
C / “King Ramses II, Ramses III, Ramses IV, Ramses V, Ramses VI, Ramses IX, Tuthmosis II, Thutmose I, Thutmose III, Thutmose IV, Sqnin Ra, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep I, Amenhotep the Second, Ahmose Nefertari, Siptah, Merenptah, Queen T, City I, City II, "meaning that what was not displayed are" King Amhotep the Third and Queen Merit Amon. "

Q / How many coffins will be displayed next to the ancient Egyptian kings?

A / 12 sarcophagi will be displayed next to the ancient Egyptian kings and queens.

Q / Who are the 12 coffins that will be displayed in the Mummies Hall?
C / The coffins of the kings that were displayed are "Seqnen Ra, Ahmose Nefertari, Amenhotep the First, Tuthmosis the First, Tuthmosis the Second, Tuthmosis the Third, Amenhotep the Second, Tuthmosis the Fourth, Tuthmosis the First, Ramses II, Seti the Second, Ramses III."