Egypt offers incentives over charging mobiles electronically to enhance use of electronic transactions

The National Communications Regulatory Authority (NCRA) agreed with the mobile operators in Egypt to enhance the use of electronic transactions by providing incentive offers on its services provided to citizens. Sun, Mar. 22, 2020
CAIRO – 22 March 2020: The National Communications Regulatory Authority (NCRA) agreed with the mobile operators in Egypt to enhance the use of electronic transactions by providing incentive offers on its services provided to citizens.

The incentives will be offered when charging the balance using electronic payment methods, whether through the electronic applications of each company or by charging the balance using the cash service (Electronically). This will occur through giving 30 times the balance charged worth of minutes and free units when using this feature.

These offers are valid for a month and can be extended for other periods, in order to facilitate the process of charging the mobile balance through electronic transactions without the need to leave home, to encourage the activation of the policy of working remotely.

Earlier, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology launched a number of initiatives to support the remote education, most prominently the 20 percent increase of the download capacities of home internet packages for individuals.

Telecom Egypt was the first company in the telecommunications sector to implement the initiative, announcing that it has increased the capacities of landline internet packages offered to its customers by 20 percent, as part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology's initiative to support students in the education process.