The Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria is preparing for an exclusive and unprecedented exhibition of the works of "Laurent Marcel Salinas", which disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and no one knows their whereabouts according to many sites interested in plastic arts. He is late, and the museum awaits an Egyptian, French, and Italian collaboration to enrich the celebration of a great artist, a cooperation commensurate with this extremely important discovery.
Laurent Marcel Salinas
Born in Alexandria in 1913 to a French mother and Italian father, he traveled widely and studied law in Aix-en-Provence. Despite his studies of law, art was his true passion. He was fortunate because Alexandria in the early twentieth century contained a large number of studios teaching art to a large number of European artists, which helped develop his talent significantly.
Salinas spent his early years between France and Egypt, and he studied in France at the hands of the famous photographer "André Lot". His works were repeatedly shown in the Alexandria Atelier alongside the early pioneers Mahmoud Said and Mohamed Nagy. After the 1952 revolution, the situation changed, especially after the tripartite aggression against Egypt. Life is increasingly difficult for foreigners residing in Egypt, the Salinas family, like many foreigners, left the country.
Contemporaries of Salinas remember him well as an accomplished critic, as well as a masterful artist, who was always willing to pause for a long time in front of works of art for discussion and analysis. As it required him hard work and serious research.
In the late fifties of the last century he traveled to Paris to search for work, and in 1969 he became a friend of Pablo Picasso until the death of the latter in 1973, when Picasso asked Salinas to implement some of his works under the title "Imaginary Pictures" using lithography, until the number of works reached In common to 29 work between photography and printing, as Picasso was looking for another dimension of his work and not just copies of it, and therefore he resorted to Salinas for his ingenuity and fame in this field and being an independent artist from the ground up. The print works greatly admired Picasso and insisted on placing Salinas's signature alongside his signature, making Salinas the only artist in the world to place his signature alongside Picassua's signature on the same work.
Salinas moved to "St. Louis" in 1995 and held a large retrospective exhibition of all his works. Salinas continued to paint throughout the last decades of his life, spending between Paris and New York, and between Brussels and St. Louis his last days. Throughout his life his production varied between: the nude model, the scenes Natural, silent nature. While at different times in his life he touched upon different styles of artistic styles, including Cubism and Brutalism, in the end he worked on using poetics in light, drawing and color and adding it to everything, people, places and things. His works have been exhibited in Alexandria, New York, Paris, Copenhagen, and others.
Some of his most important works from the early stages of his life have been lost and have not yet been inferred. Salinas died in 2010, leaving behind a treasure trove of unique works.