Min of Tourism and Antiquities honored the children who won the "Draw the Pyramids of Giza" competition.

pyramids Wed, Sep. 2, 2020
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, represented by the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion Haram office honored the children who won the "Draw the Pyramids of Giza" competition.

Twenty three children from 5- 12 years old participated in the competition organized within the framework of “Baladna El-Helwa” [Our Beautiful Country] initiative.

Mohamed Zayed, director of the office, honored the children who won the competition, and a trip was organized for them and their families to the Giza pyramids area. The winning children were handed certificates of appreciation, souvenirs, and some information materials about tourist attractions and archaeological areas in Egypt.

Iman Mahmoud, head of the Internal Tourism Sector at the authority, indicated that organizing this competition aims to educate and acquaint children with their cultural heritage through art, in addition to developing their skills and talent, planting a desire in them to learn more about the history of the grandiose ancient Egyptian civilization.