The murders of the ugly brother, so we will find it difficult to overcome the crime that occurred in the village of Hafna in the Belbes Center in Sharkia Governorate, where the child of his brother's child was killed, which reminds us of the story of Cain and Abel in the human and religious heritage, in all its dimensions and presence in the Holy Books and ancient civilizations.
It is noted that the story of Abel and Cabel was not present in the Torah and the Qur'an only, but we can find it in all the ancient oriental heritage, including:
Set will kill Osiris in Pharaonic
The story of Isis and Osiris West is famous and has been found in separate parts of the papyrus, because the most comprehensive story was written by the famous Greek historian "Plutarch" in the year 100 AD, which he titled "Isis and Osiris", according to what was stated in the book "Ancient Egyptian Myths" by Don Nardo.
The story begins with a discussion of the golden age of Egypt, when the Council of Ninth decided that Osiris and Isis be appointed king and queen, Osiris is one of the Egyptians' knowledge of agriculture and harvest, and Isis is the wise solid queen, hinting that the inscriptions showed Osiris in green, as he was considered in that period the god of greenness and fertility And growth.
The story tells that the god Osiris was able in a short period to achieve prosperity and stability for his people, so he left the country on a journey to transfer the Egyptian experience out of Egypt, because Isis succeeded in governing the country, and the departure of the god Osiris on a long journey was one of the things that aroused his ire and hatred for his brother Set, for he is Just around the corner to become the ruler of the world and not Egypt alone, Set began thinking about seizing the opportunity and turning against him, but the vigilance and wisdom of Isis deterred him until Osiris returned from his foreign journey.
After a while, Isis went out on a short trip, Set the seized opportunity and wooed Osiris, then announced the establishment of a large carnival in honor of his brother King, Osiris the Good, he sent the invitation and attended the ceremony in which people gathered, because Set promised to announce surprises and rewards during the ceremony, and during dancing and singing, While most of the attendees were excessively drinking beer, Set workers entered carrying a beautiful coffin made of gilded ebony and studded with precious stones. A coffin that only fits Osiris - Set asked everyone to try out the coffin, and when the role of Osiris came to experience the coffin, Set with the help of his men sealed coffin, then he poured molten lead it, so it would never open again, and carry his brother into the Nile, Set said that day:
“Finally, I got rid of that useless philanthropist, and I can enjoy what Ra had to give me from the start,” then Set declared himself the king of the country.
In Eastern civilizations:
There are three Sumerian stories similar to the story of Abel and one of these Sumerian stories, according to which is mentioned according to the book The First Mind Adventure of Ferris tourists.
The story of Amish and Antene
This story begins with the god Enlil who wants to flood the earth with vegetables, crops, trees and animal husbandry, so he creates the two brothers (Emish), the shepherd and (antein) farmer, so the first breeds livestock and produces milk, ghee and eggs, while the second publishes the farms on the land and develops grains and care The trees, but quarrels happen between them, and enter into many arguments and debates, ending with the "Emish" shepherd challenges his brother Anten the farmer and goes to the god Enlil to know who is his favorite, and they go to the city of Nippur and present each of them his case on the anlil, where the god anil announces openly He prefers farms However, the fraternal work together. Without a problem and end a quarrel between them, because God ANLIL made his decision, and his decision not rad him.
A story of Har and Ashnan
The Sumerian gods created the god "Har" and his sister, the goddess Ashnan, to secure food and clothing for them, but the gods did not benefit from their service except after they created man, so he sent them to humans to teach them agriculture, animal husbandry, writing, arts, fire, etc., and the tasks of "Har" were to breed livestock and their products. On the ground, while lichens were increasing the yields of the earth and its products, but a problem arose among them about which is better, and therefore they resort to the gods, so the god Enlil and the goddess rule that the lizards of the farmer are dominant and superior.
The story of Encomo Domuzi
Inana (Ishtar) was looking for a husband, so he applied for her hand, Domuzi the Shepherd (July), and the farmer was shrieked, and it is, as a first position, that the farmer prefers Ankmdu, because her brother, the god Otto (the sun god), urges her to marry Domuzi the Shepherd and asks her to prefer him to the farmer (Ankmdu) And after the two parties present their merits to the goddess Inana, and she prefers Domuzi the Shepherd over the farms and takes him as her husband, but this victory for Domuzi the Shepherd is only the beginning of the catastrophe for Domuzy, which Enana later sent to the underworld to represent her.