Pyramid builders were eating garlic to provide them with vitality .. What did the Pharaohs use to eat?

food Mon, Apr. 6, 2020
The ancient Egyptian civilization was distinguished by the construction of distinct architectural monuments and royal tombs that contained drawings and artistic creations in addition to the funerary texts, but there was another aspect in the lives of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago, and because they lived on the banks of the Nile the most widespread profession was agriculture, due to the availability of Natural resources, water and fertile soil, and this has contributed to the preservation of a large number of crops used to the present day. Recently, it spread on social networking sites about a pharaonic food called "Shllo", which is made up of a group of natural ingredients, the table was the ancient Egyptians E not given up many everyday items, and this is what Snstardh during the next lines.

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir, director of the Museum of Antiquities of the Library of Alexandria, says that food in ancient Egypt is one of the most important things that they are keen to have in their lives or in their graves after their death, i.e. in the other world. In addition to offerings placed in the burial chamber where it is believed that the deceased will use it when he is brought back to life in the afterlife.

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir added, in exclusive statements to "The Seventh Day", that the ancient Egyptians were keen on eating bread, onions, beans and cheese at the breakfast table in the morning, as they preferred bread and beer dishes with some onions, lentils, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce and garlic, while the fruits were They eat it constantly like pomegranate, plum, grapes, etc., as the table was not without honey, milk, dates, meat, geese, and fish, and they dried food for later use as a kind of food preservation.

In the book "Foods of the Pharaohs Food and Healing" by Dr. Abdel-Fattah Anani, the most important pharaonic foods are beans, lentils, chickpeas, lupine, peas, cowpea, and fenugreek. The lentils were served to our gods by the lentils, and the pyramid builders addressed garlic daily to provide them with vigor and vitality.

He explained, "The food of the Pharaohs is food and healing." The ancient Egyptian also took care of palm cultivation and the word "mothers" that we now use in the sense of wet dates and is considered one of the legacies of the hieroglyphic language in the word "amit", pointing out that the Egyptian farmer is eating lettuce, watercress, radishes, cabbage, cabbage, green onions, dill and parsley. Coriander on a daily basis and recent studies have proven the importance of these vegetables because of their high nutritional value.

He pointed out, "The food of the Pharaohs is food and healing", that the ancient Egyptian was eating rabbits, hunting and raising them 5,000 years ago, and he found many fossils containing pictures of rabbits on the walls of temples, as the mallow used to be called kingship and it was a special food that only the kings eat.

As for Shilo, it is an ancient Pharaonic food, and this meal is eaten in the desert areas, where vegetables and vegetables are cultivated and seasonal crops are grown only, and it is still one of the famous and popular foods among our people in Upper Egypt, as it is considered to be in about 10 minutes, and it is made of Mallowia Dried "dry" garlic, minced onions, chopped tomatoes, salt, cumin, lemon, chili, and water or "chicken or meat" soup