Museum at home .. See the work of the French sculptor Henri Alfred at the Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria

mohamed ali Wed, Apr. 1, 2020
"Stay in your home and the museum will be there for you." The Fine Arts Museum, affiliated with the Fine Arts Sector, called on citizens to stay at home, through its official page on the social networking site "Facebook" in order to address the epidemic Corona virus, and from here The Museum of the Most Important Items of the Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria reviewed "On Line" by the artist "Henry Alfred Marie Jacquard"

 The artist Henri Alfred Marie, a famous French sculptor, was born in Paris in 1824 and died in 1896, and in 1865 Khedive Ismail decided to erect a statue of his grandfather Muhammad Ali Pasha in an Egyptian square. Initially the statue was to be placed in the city of Ismailia, but it ended up being placed in the consuls square in Alexandria.

The French Khedive commissioned Alfred Jacquemart to make the statue. Jacquemar finished his work in 1872, and displayed the statue for a month on the Champs-Elysées in Paris, then was moved to Alexandria to be installed on the base of the design of the famous architect Ambroise Bodry, in an official ceremony on December 19, 1872.

The matter was met with strong opposition from the clergy as an infidel, and this was the first time in Islamic history that a statue of a person was placed in a Muslim country. But the Khedive did not care about the sheikhs and the matter was done.

Initially, the four lions were to be placed in the Nile Palace Bridge around the statue of Muhammad Ali in Manchia, but they ended up in their current location, and the Bridge was officially opened in 1872.

Khedive Ismail commissioned Monsieur Jacquard to make lions. Which was made in Paris and arrived in Alexandria in 1875. It is mentioned that the public called Khedive Ismail the name "Abu Sebaa" because of these statues.

The copy in the museum is made of bronze, and is a miniature of the statue that is currently located in the field of consuls in Mansheya.
