Egypt implements largest recycling project to combat climate change, reduce emissions

The Ministry of Environment is implementing the new waste system through the implementation and development of more than 31 treatment and recycling plants. Mon, Jan. 23, 2023
CAIRO - 23 January 2023: The Ministry of Environment is implementing the new waste system through the implementation and development of more than 31 treatment and recycling plants.

A total of 8 factories out of the total 31 have been completed, while the efficiency of 23 others is being raised, in addition to 4 waste sorting stations are being developed in South Sinai Governorate.

Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, stressed the importance of strengthening the role of the private sector in participating in the waste system, and contributing to the sustainability of the management system and achieving economic profitability by maximizing investment.

During this report, we monitor the details of the project and its objectives, which are to be implemented soon, after the completion of environmental studies and engineering drawings, to start implementation on the ground.

The site of the proposed solid waste management complex is located on the 10th of Ramadan, about 7 km from Cairo-Ismailia Road and about 4 km south of the industrial zone in the 10th of Ramadan.

For his part, Mohamed Hassan, project manager at the World Bank, confirmed that the 10th of Ramadan solid waste management project is being managed by the Ministry of Local Development and in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Housing, the Urban Communities Authority. Factories for the treatment of municipal, construction and demolition waste, hazardous industrial waste and medical waste.

Mohamed Hassan explained that there are components of the project, including the establishment and operation of municipal waste treatment facilities for the Qalyubia Governorate, as well as the establishment and operation of municipal waste treatment facilities for the Cairo Governorate, in addition to the establishment and operation of a sanitary landfill for the Qalyubia Governorate.

Hassan further said that the private sector is developing and operating the various components of the Waste Management Complex in the 10th of Ramadan City, after the Egyptian government provided the basic infrastructure at the site.

In a related context, Mustafa Murad, Head of the Central Air Quality Department at the Ministry of Environment, confirmed that the establishment and operation of the external and internal infrastructure includes external access roads to the complex, internal roads and paths, the complex’s wall and water facilities, where the drinking water supply network and the sewage network will be made. Rainwater drainage system and fire fighting systems.

Ali Abu Sunna, CEO of the Environmental Affairs Agency, said that a global tender was launched to start implementing an integrated complex for waste recycling in the industrial zone of the 10th of Ramadan at a cost of $126 million by the World Bank, to attract local and foreign entities to participate in the construction of the complex and to participate in its management.