Historical Old Cairo: A Picture of Sayeda Zainab Mosque

egypte Sun, Jun. 6, 2021
Today, we see a picture of the Sayeda Zeinab Mosque in Cairo, which is one of the most famous mosques in Mahrousa, and his mausoleum is one of the most famous shrines that Egyptians visit and are keen to celebrate her birth every year.

The picture is difficult to determine its date, but it is possible that it dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, and the mosque is attributed to Sayyida Zainab, the granddaughter of the Messenger of God Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, his son, our master Ali bin Abi Talib, may God bless him, and it is not known precisely when the mosque was established The top of the tomb of Sayyida Zainab. Historical references only mention that the Ottoman governor of Egypt, Ali Pasha, renovated the mosque in 951 AH / 1547 AD, and then renovated it again, Prince Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda in 1171 AH / 1768 AD.

Sayeda Zainab Mosque
In 1940 AD, the Ministry of Awqaf completely demolished the old mosque and built the existing mosque. The mosque at that time consisted of seven corridors parallel to the Qibla wall, in the middle of which was a square courtyard covered with a dome. On the opposite side of the Qibla wall, there is the tomb of Sayyida Zainab, may God be pleased with her, surrounded by a brass fence and topped by a dome. lofty, and in 1969 the Ministry of Awqaf doubled the area of ​​the mosque.
The Sayyida Zainab Mosque was mentioned in the novel by the writer Yahya Haqqi, "Qandil Umm Hashem", and "Umm Hashem" is the nickname of Sayyida Zainab bint Ali bin Abi Talib.