A number of Western historians have said that the ancient Egyptians wrote the hieroglyphic language everywhere, from miraculously preserved stone panels to papyrus, although historians are able to study ancient texts on trade topics to funerary rituals but one category is largely missing from The ancient Egyptian record is "food recipes" so historians searched elsewhere to uncover the secrets of the 5,000-year-old culinary culture. Paintings on the walls of tombs can provide a rare glimpse into one of the oldest foods in the world.
Since about 3100 BC, the ancient Egyptians began organizing their hieroglyphic writings, embalming techniques, and art, all of which influenced the construction of tombs. The continuation of important celebrations, from food to burial rituals, the afterlife of Egypt, even some tomb paintings included pictures depicting how workers prepared food, according to what was reported by atlasobscura.
Historians agree that the edible ground almond kernels found at the end of the cypros herb were the main component of what can be considered the oldest known Egyptian recipe, dating back to the fifteenth century B.C., a buried tomb painting shows how to make conical loaves of almond nuts and honey The scene depicts characters grinding almonds with long pistils, forming a mixture of tuber honey with both hands into long, tapered cones.
The images of almond cones were intended to please the sun god Amun, but almonds were not only used on special occasions. The Egyptians also added almonds to medicine and perfumes, and ate them in a number of ways. Some people devour the almonds, but others prefer them flavored, boiled or roasted over a fire.
As far as the spread of almond nuts was, bread and beer were the true basis of ancient Egyptian cuisine. Bakers usually make bread from wheat and barley, which are among the oldest cultivated grains. Bread was very important, in fact, as it had a great influence on ancient Egyptian writing. Historians have recorded 14 books. Characteristic hieroglyphs for baking.
To learn more about the process of baking old bread, researchers looked again at tomb paintings, one of the most vibrant scenes of bread-baking comes from the Fifth Dynasty tomb in Saqqara - one of the panels shows beer and bread production side by side, with scenes of cooks making beer bread, and using molds. Ceramic baking for baking, the scene shows workers cooking the bread in the open air through a process called stack heating, which involves baking bread dough inside two preheated containers fastened together. Additional grave drawings convey many other steps of the baking process, such as kneading workers with both hands or mixing the bread With their feet.
tiger nuts
Wheat bread by Ramses III
Servings: six small loaves
Preparation time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
the ingredients
1 cup emmer flour (You can buy emmer wheat flour online.)
2 tablespoons of honey
1/2 teaspoon instant yeast
1 cup warm grape juice
1/4 cup chopped dates (optional)
2 liters of warm water
And half a cup of honey