Registered on the World Heritage List.. Thebes city, the most important city in ancient Egypt

egypt Thu, Feb. 17, 2022
The ancient city of Thebes was one of the most important and richest cities in ancient Egypt. During long periods of ancient Egyptian history, Thebes was the religious and political capital of the country. Thebes site and its cemetery were registered on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites in the year 1979 AD.

The World Heritage site "Thebes and its Necropolis" includes several archaeological sites distributed on the eastern and western banks of the Nile, where the eastern bank includes the city of the living, as well as 14 temples, the most famous of which are the temples of Karnak and Luxor, as stated by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, while the West Bank, which was known as the city of the dead, includes Ancient tombs and cemeteries such as the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, funerary temples such as the Ramesseum Temple, the Ramses III Temple at Madinat Habu, and the Funerary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari.

The Karnak Temple is the largest and most important of the Egyptian temples. The ancient Egyptians called it “Ibt Sut,” which means “the chosen spot for the thrones of Amun.” From the era of the Middle Kingdom until the Ptolemaic era, surrounded by a huge wall of mud bricks, and preceded by a port to the west, Ptolemaic and Roman baths were recently discovered in front of the first edifice.

As for the Luxor Temple, it is located about three kilometers south of the Temple of Karnak, which was once connected by a walking road lined with sphinxes. The oldest evidence of this temple dates back to the Eighteenth Dynasty (about 1550 - 1295 BC).