Discoveries of the twentieth century .. The treasures of Tanis, a discovery that did not take its due because of the Second World War

pharaoh Sun, May. 31, 2020
The twentieth century is one of the most important eras of ancient Egyptian archaeological discoveries, which caused a sensation in various countries of the world, because of the outstanding archaeological and heritage value it holds for ancient history and civilization such as ancient Egyptian civilization, where these exciting discoveries were made by the proud archaeologists who achieved amazing results and accomplishments that were not unprecedented. An instance of when they excavated and spread ancient civilization to the whole world, and in light of the crisis that Egypt and all countries of the world are going through from the outbreak of the Corona virus, and under the slogan "Stay at Home" we review daily a list of those discoveries, and today we talk about the "golden treasures of Tanis."

There is a feeling of awe and a feeling of majesty and grandeur that you are approaching Tanis, so feel when Tanis landmarks from afar you feel that you enter into the niche of history and that you will see the effects of a city that has eternity written and that you will live between the vastness and the flanks of history, and completely separate from the events and facts of daily life living in Egypt Contemporary.

According to Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir, director of the Museum of Antiquities of the Library of Alexandria, Tanis - or San Hajar - is the most important archaeological site in the northeastern delta, and the capital of the nineteenth region from the regions of Lower Egypt in the late era (747-332 BC), located In the Al-Husayniyyah Center in Sharqia Governorate, about two hundred and fifty kilometers away from Cairo.

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir explained, I mentioned in the ancient Egyptian texts the name "Jaanat" which means "the city that was built in the empty land", as mentioned in the Torah in the name of "Suean", and the name "Tanis" was given to it by the Greeks in relation to the branch of the Altanisi, one of The seven ancient branches of the Nile River, while the Arabs called it "San" as a distortion of the ancient Egyptian origin, and given the abundance of stones in it, they added the stone to it, so it became called "San Stone" until now.

Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir added, Tanis is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the Egyptian land, and it was the capital of the nineteenth region from the regions of Lower Egypt, and one of the major ancient cities of Egypt, and one of the important capitals of Egypt in the Egyptian Nile Delta, and the importance of Tanis emerged with the end of the era of the modern state and the beginning The third era of transition, as it was taken as the capital of Egypt in the era of the politically and historically historically 21st and twenty-second dynasties.